Risk evaluation and analysis Our experience allows us to correctly evaluate the risk exposure of our clients, companies or groups of companies. Find out more Development of insurance programs The insurance program is the solution we propose after identifying the insurable risks during the risk evaluation and analysis. Find out more Negotiation of the insurance offers The negotiation will be conducted with insurance companies with a good reputation, mutually agreed upon with the client. Find out more Comparative assessment of the insurance policies We will present to our clients the results of the negotiations with the insurance companies in a clear and concise manner, underlying the differences that exist between the offers. Find out more Management and renewal of the insurance program The management of the insurance program involves: - Issuing the insurance policies in case of accepting the offer - Modifying the current insurance policies Find out more

marius maierOur specialized insurance broker Marius Maier is available daily for information or details.
Telephone: 0742-276.537
E-mail: office@cmcasigurari.ro

Please contact us using the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    * Mandatory field

    Household insurance

    Household insurance consists of insuring buildings, special constructions (fencing, yard arrangements, annexes, others) and the property insurance (furniture, household appliances, electronic devices, equipment, tools etc.).
    Through the insurance companies we work with, we are able to insure everything related with the patrimony and interests of an individual.

    Household insurance for individuals:
    • BUILDING (for living, summer house etc.);
    What covers a household insurance?
    • The building, special constructions (fencing, yard arrangements, annexes, others);
    • The assets in the buildings insured (furniture, household appliances, electronic devices, equipment, tools etc.). The paintings, the furs and goods that are part of the national heritage will be declared separately and will be insured under special conditions. Money and jewellery are insured in built safes and they also have to be separately declared
    • Civil liability to third parties => claims issued by persons injured as a result of damage caused by negligence (property damage or injuries) shall be taken under the conditions set by the insurer

    The insured value:

    • new replacement value of the building and contents, declared value for liability;

    Sums insured:

    • Buildings/constructions – the reconstruction/restoration value, in the same construction solution and with the same materials
    • Contents – furniture, household appliances, electronic devices, equipment, tools, paintings, furs – insured at an estimated value of their replacement cost, declared globally, by categories (example given: category of electronic equipment worth more than 500 euros) or by detailed list (example given: paintings, furs, patrimony goods) when we are interested in more details to fairly estimate the replacement value.

    Conditions for household insurance:

    • they differ from one insurance company to another, but a discussion with one of our consultants can clarify your concerns.

    Main insured risks for building and contents insurance:

    • fire, lightning, explosion, bodies falling on insured property, vandalism, natural phenomena, earthquake, flood, landslide etc.

    Main insured risks for civil liability insurance:

    • it covers negligent damage caused to third parties by the insured and/or his named representatives;

    Coverage extensions:

    • Money/values, technical assistance at home, liability of individuals (valid at the insured location and/or outside it).

    Example cost for household insurance:

    • Sum insured (new reconstruction value): 100.0000 euros
    • Annual premium: 100 – 250 euros (may be higher or lower, depending on the level of risk involved by the location, construction materials, damage history etc.)

    Mentions/arguments for household insurance::

    • the policy can be assigned to a financial institution;
    • the policy can be paid integrally or in maximum 4 instalments.

    Contact us and we will kindly respond you:

    MARIUS MAIER office@cmcasigurari.ro 0742 276 537

    marius maierOur specialized insurance broker Marius Maier is available daily for information or details.
    Telephone: 0742-276.537
    E-mail: office@cmcasigurari.ro

    Please contact us using the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

      * Mandatory field