Evaluarea și analiza riscurilor Experiența noastră în domeniu ne permite analizarea corectă a expunerilor la riscuri pe care le implică activitățile desfășurate de companie sau de grupul de companii din care faceți parte. Află mai multe Elaborarea programelor de asigurare Programul de asigurare reprezintă soluția de asigurare propusă in baza identificarii riscurilor asigurabile din etapa de evaluare și analiză a riscurilor. Află mai multe Negocierea ofertelor de asigurare Negocierea se va face cu asiguratori cu o bună reputație pe piață și stabiliți de comun acord cu asiguratul. Află mai multe Evaluarea comparativă a ofertelor de asigurare Vom prezenta clienților rezultatele negocierilor avute cu companiile de asigurări într-o manieră clară, concisă evidențiind diferențele care există între acestea. Află mai multe Administrarea și reînnoirea programelor de asigurare Administrarea programului de asigurare presupune: - emiterea polițelor de asigurare în cazul acceptării ofertei - modificarea polițelor în vigoare Află mai multe

marius maierBrokerul nostru specializat Marius Maier vă stă la dispoziţie zilnic pentru informaţii sau detalii.
Telefon: 0742-276.537
E-mail: maier_marius@cmcasigurari.ro

Vă rugăm să ne contactaţi folosind formularul de mai jos şi vom reveni în cel mai scurt timp posibil.

    *Câmp obligatoriu

    Sunt de acord cu Politica privitoare la Protecţia Datelor Personale

    Terms and conditions

    This website is property of CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare SRL and in the following section are presented the terms and conditions for using it. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, we kindly ask you not to use the services provided through this website and contact us at the phone numbers or email address that you can find in the Contact section, so we can answer your questions.
    We mention that the information and services on this website, www.cmcasigurari.ro, are presented as such and the user is fully responsible for their use. CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare SRL does not guarantee the accuracy of the information submitted on the website, nor the compatibility of the user’s computer or mobile system with the web pages available on the website.

    1. General aspects regarding the website

    1.1 Identification data
    The website www.cmcasigurari.ro belongs to SC CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare SRL (hereinafter referred to as CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare), headquartered in Cluj-Napoca, 1 Mai Square, no. 4-5, first floor, Cluj County, CSA Authorization number 63/05.12.2001, Trade Register number J12/915/14.07.1999, Unique Registration Code 12037739, Insurance Broker Register number RBK – 080, Register of Personal Date Processing number 19096.
    1.2 Security
    CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare does not guarantee that the information received or sent by the user through the website is protected against cyber attacks, considering the fact that during the transmission of the information through the Internet, this might be intercepted by third parties. Therefore, CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare disclaims any responsibility for possible damage caused to users or third parties by the unauthorized use of the information on the website.
    1.3 Changes in terms and conditions

    We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions from time to time, changes that will be brought to the user’s attention throughout the website www.cmcasigurari.ro, without being necessary another way of notifying. If the user continues to use the website after the changes are displayed, it is considered that the user accepted them.

    1.4 Copyright
    The content of the website pages is under the ownership of CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare and it is strictly prohibited to copy or reproduce the content without a written agreement from CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare. These actions are subject to sanctions provided in Law 8/1996.
    The name and logo of CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare and also the services provided through the website are property of CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare and their use without the previous agreement of the holder is against the law.
    1.5 Personal data
    By accessing and using this website, the user agrees that CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare reserves its right to process personal data revealed after using the services.

    1.6 Major force and litigation
    In case of major force or in the event that a third party performs poorly to fulfill their obligations and this affects the manner in which the services are provided through the website www.cmcasigurari.ro, CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare will not be held responsible for being unable to comply to these terms and conditions.
    By accessing and using this website, the user accepts that the contract governing the terms and conditions of using this website and any litigation that may arise are governed and interpreted according to the Romanian law and agrees to abide to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Romania.

    2. User’s rights and obligations

    2.1 Rights
    The user has the right to free access to the website www.cmcasigurari.ro and also the right to be informed regarding the details about the services offered by CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare through the website.
    2.2 Obligations
    The user obliges itself to provide correct/complete data in any request sent through the website.
    The user will not modify, transmit, publish, reproduce, grant licenses, create derivatives, transfer or sell any kind of information or services obtained through the website.
    The user will not use this website to transmit or receive materials that may be illegal, immoral, obscene, vulgar, defamatory or threatening.
    The user will not conduct hacking or cracking activities or Denial of Service attacks or other activities that contravene general accepted policies regarding Internet access.
    In the event that CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare notices such activities, they will be reported to competent authorities and will be sanctioned according to the law.
    CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare will not be held responsible for any claim from users or third parties regarding the use or performance of the services provided through this website, in the event that a user deliberately or unintentionally violates the terms and conditions for using this website.

    3. Liability limit of CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare
    CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare does not guarantee that: the services will be provided uninterrupted, in good time, safe and without errors; any programming errors will be immediately corrected; the server that hosts the website has no viruses or components that may harm the users, although CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare will do everything possible to ensure the safety of the website.
    CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare will not be held responsible for any damages caused to the device the user uses to access the website, for possible data losses caused by downloading certain materials from the website or for the actions the user undertakes based on the information provided through the website.
    The user is aware that: the information provided through the website about the offers of partners or third parties is directly introduced on the website by these or are taken from their public documents; the materials presented on the website are not requests or offers to buy or sell a certain financial instrument, but they only serve as a guidance; the materials on this website can be modified with previous notice and there may be a time delay between the moment the materials are modified by CMC GRUP Broker de Asigurare or third parties and the moment the changes are published on the website.
    If you continue to visit and use this website implies that you have read and you totally agree with the terms and conditions.

    marius maierBrokerul nostru specializat Marius Maier vă stă la dispoziţie zilnic pentru informaţii sau detalii.
    Telefon: 0742-276.537
    E-mail: maier_marius@cmcasigurari.ro

    Vă rugăm să ne contactaţi folosind formularul de mai jos şi vom reveni în cel mai scurt timp posibil.

      *Câmp obligatoriu

      Sunt de acord cu Politica privitoare la Protecţia Datelor Personale